Saturday, January 9, 2016

Tribute to Great Woman from Ancient India

Tribute to Great Woman from Ancient India
Prabhavati Gupta
1.Prabhavati gupta was the chief queen of Vakataka King Rudrasena II (356-378 CE). She was daughter of Gupta King Chandragupta II born of the union with a Naga princess Mahādevī Kuberanaga. Prabhavati gupta has recorded herself born in a Naga family of Dharana Gotra in her Poona and Riddhapur copper plate inscriptions.

2.Due to sudden and premature death of Rudrasena II,at the very young age of 25,with two sons,Prabhavathi Gupta has taken the responsibility of administration as regent for the minor king Divakara sena.
3.She carried on administration very effectively for a period of about 20 years.It is during her regency,Gupta conquest of Gujarat and Kathiawar was accomplished.We may well presume that queen afforded all possible assistance to her father.There is,however no direct evidence to support this statement.
4.Prabhavathi Gupta is destined to face one more tragedy,her elder son,minor king(Divakara sena) died soon after her 13th year of regency.Damodara sena her younger son was made minor king and queen has to continue her regency for another 5 - years.

5.Eventually the regency terminated in 410 AD,When Damodara sena took up the administration,assuming the coronation name of Pravara sena II.Prabhavathi Gupta lived for a long time after her regency,there are many evidences of making grants along with her son Pravara sena II.
6.Maybe we don't have much information about her,But she stands as great example for "Stature of woman in ancient Indian society"

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